We all know that being healthy is important. You find yourself trying to eat right and stay fit, but sometimes it’s hard to make time and do what you know you should be doing. Here is a list of some healthy living tips on how to live a healthier lifestyle.

10 Best Healthy Living Tips

1. Make breakfast your most important meal of the day. Have fruit, cereal, eggs, whole-grain toast, or yogurt for an easy way to start your day off with nutrients. Better yet, make it a meal by adding some protein like chicken, fish, beans, or tofu.

2. Limit the amount of sugar you eat. The quickest way to gain weight is from eating too much sugar and calories.

3. It’s important to eat fruits and vegetables every day. Try to make the fruit and vegetable choices more healthy! (i.e. instead of a small amount of chocolate, try using some organic apple sauce or eat some kale instead)

4. Instead of a smoothie, have a fruit cup. A lot of the time you eat a smoothie and think that you’re eating healthy. But most smoothies contain tons of sugar. I’ve seen some people that eat a banana and drink an entire gallon of orange juice for breakfast. It’s not good for your body to digest so much sugar so quickly. A fruit cup is much healthier.

5. Avoid processed foods! I am not saying that you should only eat fresh food. You need to enjoy cooking, but the foods that you make should be clean and healthy. That way your body can get all of the nutrients that it needs.

6. Have at least some exercise every day. Try taking a walk, hiking, or biking to work or school instead of driving there and parking in a garage or parking lot.

7. Take a supplement. A lot of the time when you’re trying to lose weight, you won’t really make much progress. It is recommended to take a multivitamin to help your body get all of the necessary nutrients that it needs.

8. Drink lots of water. You’ll be amazed by how many toxins and bad things can happen if you don’t drink enough water on a daily basis. Try drinking at least 8 glasses per day for best results.

9. Eat organic foods whenever possible. i.e. instead of buying a hamburger bun, consider making your own.

10. Don’t skip meals. Skipping meals can lead to serious health problems down the road. Instead of skipping breakfast because you’re “too busy”, eat an organic omelet or fruit instead. It’s a much better option than drinking soda and eating the wrong foods later on in the day.